Blog Post

From The Pastor's Heart

Greetings to you in God’s holy name. My name is Chris Pacleb and I am the pastor of Faith International Fellowship. I want to welcome you to our official website. Your visit here is not a coincidence. I want to tell you that God has a wonderful plan for your life and that this can be accomplished only through God’s son, Jesus Christ. Here at FIF you will find the fingerprints of God in the midst of His local body, the church. Faith International Fellowship is a family of believers committed to touching hearts and changing lives. We believe that hearts are touched and lives changed when every member of HIS church is connected to God by worship and HIS word, connected to others by group Bible studies and fellowship events, connected to ministry by serving the body of Christ, and connected to the lost by sharing the gospel. Praise the Lord for allowing us, his people to serve him in his kingdom.

As you venture into our site, you will find information and activities that testifies of God’s love. I would like to invite you to come and experience God’s move and love towards you and his church. If you need these things or looking for answers, you can find it in no one else but Jesus. Come visit our church and we will warmly call you family.

Jesus said, “I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.” John 10:10 NIV

Spiritual Pilgrimage

Having been reared by Christian parents who are ministers/ missionaries themselves active in their church and demonstrative in their faith, I came to accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior at an early age. It was at the age of twelve, while attending a church on a Wednesday evening, that I professed my faith in Christ. Through active involvement in my church’s youth group as well as opportunities for volunteer service, I began to sense God’s leadership call into ministry. It took me a few years to clarify my focus on God’s calling in my life after a season of turning away from God. Through various ministry opportunities, my college experience, and my seminary education, I have been able to clarify the focus of that calling. I am convinced that God has given me the desire and the gifts to serve Him through pastoral ministries. I am committed to help others experience His love, nurture their spiritual development, to enable them to discover their spiritual gifts, and equip them for effective ministry. Today, my wife and I are serving the Lord as pastors of Faith International Fellowship in Houston, TX. May God be given honor.

In Christ’s Service,

Pastor Chris Pacleb